Friday, April 03, 2009

Thank you New Jersey

Last week, two Alliance Churches sent 11 stalwart adventurers to minister here in Paraguay. While the team only spent 8 days on the ground, what they accomplished will last a very long time. Between laying the foundation for Pastor Fermin's house, fixing up a local playground, giving basic dental instruction, creating a stage, playing soccer, and sharing the gospel with everyone they could, (and even, eating ice cream) there is no doubt that the affects of the team's ministry will endure.

Thank you so much for coming, for working so hard and for being such an encouragement to all of us in Paraguay! We can't wait to see you all again.

Check out some of the photos:


Brenda said...

Nice job, good to see you guys blogging again :)

The McClain's said...

What would a visit with the Sappia family be without ice cream??? Hope you've found some really great spots down there! Love you guys!

Lauren Wright said...

Hi Sappias :)
We all had such a wonderful time with your family and the Schells while we were in Paraguay. I definitely enjoyed getting to know all of you, your kids, and the locals that you closely work with. I was (snd still am) blessed to see the ease with which you visit people and just start conversations, even though at times you just want to be home with the family. I am often thinking of your family and our trip, and the amazing sights and experiences that God showed us--two of us at a time, each week, are sharing during our Sunday services. It's great to relive some of that through seeing photos and hearing each other's stories.
You are in my prayers and I will visit your blog regularly to get updates! Thanks for sharing your life with us for a short time :) And for following God's call to missions. He is awesome!