Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sexual Purity...

As you know, last Friday (9/18) we were in the public high school giving a talk on Sexual purity. It was amazing!!! We did our presentation three times to a total of 250 students (ranging in ages from 12-20). The students, who normally are very "unruly" were very attentive and really seemed to be listening and learning. We started out the presentation with a moving skit (first shown to me by some wonderful teenagers in West Palm Beach) about the consequences of protecting or not protecting God's gift of sexuality. Then I (John) shared about how the Bible tells us that sex is a gift from God to be enjoyed within the protection of marriage. In between my points of saving our purity we had two powerful testimonies, one from Rodrigo (seen on video), who shared about how he guarded his purity until his wedding night and the other testimony was from Teresa (not captured on video, sorry) who did not guard her purity and who now has two children and AIDS. (Teresa volunteers for a Christian organization in Asuncion that ministers to people with AIDS).

Thank you so much for your prayers for what is happening at Mi Esperanza and in Paraguay.

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